CasinoCanada Fastest Site in Canada

It's official – CasinoCanada is the quickest affiliate site compared to its nearest rivals in Canada, according to industry-leading testing platforms that monitor a page's performance based on loading speed.

A report pulled from GTmetrix on 4th August awarded the site an A grade, giving it astonishingly high ratings in performance and site structure.

The report puts CasinoCanada ahead of our competitors and reinforces our reputation as the go-to hub for customers and online gambling businesses alike.

Let’s analyse those results below.

CasinoCanada Fastest Site in Canada

How does the GTmetrix report work?

GTmetrix is a tool that grades websites based on two key criteria: performance and structure.

  • Performance has a 70% weighting in the overall grade. The Performance Score explains how well a site page performs from a user perspective.
  • The structure element is worth 30%, of GTmetrix's grade. The report focuses on how well the page is built for optimal performance.

GTmetrix Grade Breakdown:

How does the GTmetrix report work
GTmetrix Grade % GTmetrix Grade Letter
90–100 A
80–89 B
70–79 C
60–69 G
50–59 E
0–49 F

Here's how CasinoCanada fared in comparison to its rivals:*

CasinoCanada in comparison
Site Grade Page load speed in seconds Performance results % Structure results % A 1.1 97 93 A 3.9 94 94 A 4.7 96 95 B 4.8 92 93 A 17.9 86 92

*Test server location for all sites: Vancouver City, Canada / Connection: Broadband Fast (20/5 Mbps, 25ms)

The results of the company were nothing short of impressive, with its fast loading speeds being a particularly noteworthy feature.

One stand-out result is the page loading speed – it was more than five seconds quicker than some of its rivals.

If you're interested in understanding in detail how the GTmetrix Report works, you can visit their official site. There, you'll find a comprehensive explanation of each GTmetrix report section. 

Full GTmetrix Report

What does the PageSpeed report say?

Below is a description of key elements of the PageSpeed report, put together by Lighthouse – an open-source, automated tool for improving the quality of web pages – what they mean, and how well CasinoCanada performed in each of them:

    • Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) – measures the time a website takes to show the user the largest content on the screen.
    • First Contentful Paint (FCP) – tracks the time from when the page starts loading to when any part of the page's content is rendered.
    • First Input Delay (FID) – tracks when a visitor interacts with a web page and when the browser starts processing the interaction.
    • Interaction to Next Paint (INP) – a web performance metric that measures user interface responsiveness – aka, how rapidly a website responds to user commands, such as a click or scroll.
    • Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) – how much a page's layout shifts as it loads. A good user experience is a score of 0.1 or less.
    • Time to First Byte (TTFB) – refers to the time between the browser requesting a page and when it receives the first byte of information.

A key attribute to this report is that the results are compiled over 28 days, and does not rely on the here-and-now data sets. It means a much more accurate picture of the site’s performance.

Here’s how the CasinoCanada site measures up against its peers in the Lighthouse Core Web Vitals Assessment:

CasinoCanada diagnostics report
Site Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) First Input Delay (FID) Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) 1.1s 19ms 0 1.3s 16ms 0 2.3s 16ms 0.01 2.4s 22ms 0 2.4s 16ms 0.3

CasinoCanada Diagnostics

There are other important elements that the Lighthouse report explores, too – the diagnostics of the website compare really well to other rival sites.

You can see how we fare below – for reference, the score is out of 100.

CasinoCanada diagnostics report
Site Performance Accesibility Best Practices SEO 96 100 100 100 78 85 100 85 67 78 92 100 65 85 92 86 39 80 83 86

Full Lighthouse report


The results show that CasinoCanada is leading the way at the top end of the affiliates business. We are thrilled to see that CasinoCanada has been ranked higher in key metrics of site performance than our rivals. This is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our team, and further reinforces our commitment to providing our customers with the best possible user experience for affiliates and new casino connoisseurs – both on mobile and on desktop.

Dmitry Rogalchuk
With over 5 years of experience in iGaming, Dmitry Rogalchuk leads a content team at CasinoCanada, ensuring that every article on the CasinoCanada website is informative and engaging for our readers.
Head of Content
The University of British Columbia
The University of British Columbia & McGill University degrees, strategic marketing & content leadership expertise, sales strategies development
Expert in:
  • Content Management
  • Latest News in iGaming
  • Gambling Industry Knowledge

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